Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tuhan [Wali Band] ~

While trying to make some progress on my Final Year Project, this song somehow attract my attention.

Tuhan dengarkan aku
Ku memohon kepadaMu
Kuangkat tanganku
Kulafaskan lidahku
Menyebut namaMu Tuhan

Tuhan lihatlah aku
Kuberserah kepadaMu
Kuletakkan keningku bersujud padaMu
Ampuni dosa-dosaku

Tuhanku jangan ambil nyawaku
Sebelum ku dekat denganMu
Tuhanku siapkan duniaku
Tuk nanti tiba akhiratku

Berapa nikmat yang t’lah Kau beri
Berapa yang t’lah aku ingkari
Masih pantaskah sujudku padaMu
Aku malu aku malu….

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Let It Go...~

This entry gonna be a long entry, since it has been quite sometimes I haven't enhance my writing skills. =P

Alhamdulillah, the most awaited Thursday has passed and I'm sure that 28th July 2011 will always remain in everyone hearts, especially Chemical Engineering students, batch January 2007. Finally, after a long sweet-bitter-sour of hardships (approximately 7 months), the Final Year Design Project has comes nearly to its end. Hopefully the final stage of this project will runs well and turns to be less complicated.

There's a lot actually that I've learned throughout this project. Since it is a group work, I can say that it's kind of life learning process as well since this project somehow taught me that everyone in this world are live to complete each other. Yes, complete each other since everybody have their own strengths, preferences as well as weaknesses. Like us, the tasks are divided according to the personal's strength and towards the end, somehow I've found out that how amazing our life could be if we can tolerate with each other and learn to give and take. Just a simple example; I hate drawing and love reading. So, I do in charge a lot in theoretical parts while another members that hate reading but love drawing will in charge on practical parts such as iCON, P &ID and PFD. The others will do another critical parts as well according to their preferences even though there is no favorite part in this FYDP actually. :P

Part of our Ammonia Plant that needs to be treat :P

And somehow, this semester's presentations did open my eyes since I can feel how Allah do love us as His servants. I have no word to say but one thing I can surely write here is, whatever it is, pray for good things all the times and Allah surely will answer your requests. And mind you, you will face lots of difficulties in achieving what you desired, but in the end, you will find the tranquility that you're searching for and you'll feel how amazing Allah had planned our life!

After the presentation, I went to Manjung for some reason with my friends. It is good since we managed to return back by Isyak time, and to you, thanks a lot  for the treat. Hopefully, there is still another treat in the future :P And to my "superhoney", thanks for being such a great partner. Hehe~

In less than 48 hours, Sya'ban will leave us and Ramadhan will come. I can say that I have another indescribable feeling towards this Ramadhan since I think I've been quite stray away from the right path in this semester. Whatever it is, I still hope there's still another hope for me to change what is incorrect and to improve what is not totally right. This semester have been quite challenging to me since there are lots of unexpected things happened and somehow I must admit that I've changed. And of course, I cannot deny the fact that whatever things happened will always remain in my mind, and to let things go easily is not as easy as one, two, three.

Having various characters of people in our surrounding somehow teach us something, it's just either we can realize about it or not. Many people tend to say something, write something or post something in their social network but somehow when it comes to the moment where they need to prove or apply what they said, I can say that these persons are totally failed! However, I still need to persuade myself that whatever good advices given to us, we need to appreciate it a lot, even though practically, those advisers did worst than us. We're human, and mistakes are part of being human. We really need to hold this statement strongly in order to avoid any hard feelings towards others or otherwise, we'll never live in peace. Remember all the sadness and frustration, and let it go~

I am actually already in "balik kampung" mode since I've settled 2 over 4 my flight matters. This August and September gonna be my travel moments since I will fly to the sky for four times in these two months. Hopefully everything will run smoothly and the ticket price will never increase crazily. I really hope that the Exam Unit will release the examinations timetable soon since the ticket price is keep on fluctuating; especially during festivities.

As for my projects, the final part will end soon and I really hope that the burden will be less. I cannot avoid the bored feeling in facing all these projects, but somehow I do believe that I'm gonna miss all the hardships that I've gone through in completing and fulfilling the requirement in getting the Bachelor (Hons) in Chemical Engineering. As mentioned in Chapter Al-Insyirah, verse 5 and 6, verily that after difficulties, there's release.

I do not know what else to be write on here, just hoping that this Ramadhan gonna full with all good deeds, blessings, loves, forgives and barakah. I am sorry for all mistakes that I've done, either by all means or not, and hopefully this bless Ramadhan will change us to be a better person. 

"Ku mengharapkan Ramadhan kali ini penuh makna...
Agar dapat ku lalui dengan sempurna..."

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Short Notes: Die Hard~

In the middle of kinda hustle-bustle to finish compiling my FYDP slides, somehow one quote from this entry makes my heart beats slower. Hahaha. I prefer to use slower instead of faster since faster is widely used by people and I do love to be different from others. :P

Bad habits die hard.

The quote seems easy to be read out loud but somehow it carries deeper meaning. So, in order to be better in the future, we need to make the first step towards the changes from now. It is impossible that we can change our bad habits in a short while since the habits might be our heaven and earth for a long time already.

Ramadhan will be coming soon, in less than a week. May this blessing month will help us a lot in improving ourselves for the sake of better life in dunia wa akhirah :)

FYDP is calling again. Salam :)

Taken from Google Image

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Monday, July 25, 2011

Whisper: Friends :) ~

Friends are not judgmental, loyal and keep secrets well, while enemies despise & couldn't stand one another
Which one is you?
Taken from Google Image

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Short Notes: Define You ~

Part of the lyrics in These Small Hours song somehow so meaningful that I would love to share with everyone.

Let it go,
Let it roll right off your shoulder
Don't you know
The hardest part is over
Let it in,
Let your clarity define you...
In the end
We will only just remember how it feels...

 ~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Sharing: Selamat Ulang Tahun 22, Sayang :) ~

For all the laughs and tears that we shared together...

For all the ups and downs that we faced together...

For all the sweet and hard times together...

For everything that you and me experienced together...

May Allah bless us till the end of time...

With full of blessings, mawaddah, sakinah wa rahmah :)

Dear my dear,

I cannot avoid the feeling to say this...

Somehow we did planned to share "something/ someone" together, but in the end if that turns out to be a reality in the future, I really pray that it's just a starting point that we gonna holding each other hands till the end of time forever...

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sharing: Mumbling~

Situation A.
Lady: Why don't you squeeze the toothpaste from the bottom so it looks much nicer? (while her hand points at the toothpaste) 

Man: As long as I brush my teeth then it's OK laaaa...

Situation B.
Lady: These clothes I need to wash it by hand. That clothes I will just put in the washing machine. Do not mix them up. Put in different pails please.

Man: Too many orders. As long as I put it inside a pail then it's fine I guess.

I believe, everyone will agree that ladies love to speak more as compared to the men. Sometimes, their mumbling makes a man feel like their life was in miserable and kind of terrible. But, lets me share with you about one story related to mumbling. :)


Pada zaman pemerintahan Saidina Umar Al-Khattab r.a., terdapat sepasang suami isteri yang selalu bertengkar dan bergaduh. Si isteri tidak henti-henti membebel. Sedang memasak pun dia membebel, sedang membasuh pun dia membebel, sedang tidur pun kalau boleh dia nak juga membebel.

Si suami tidak tahan dengan perangai isterinya yang sangat suka membebel. Dia pun marah balik isterinya kerana membebel. Si isteri pula menjawab. Si suami mula meninggikan suara.

Dari situlah mereka bertengkar dan bergaduh saban hari. Lama kelamaan si suami merasakan yang isterinya sudah melampau. Memandangkan keadaan rumahtangga mereka semakin parah, si suami pun mengambil inisiatif untuk pergi berjumpa dengan Saidina Umar untuk mengadu kelakuan isterinya.

Sebaik sahaja tiba di rumah Saidina Umar, si suami terdengar isteri Saidina Umar sedang membebel di dalam rumah. Tetapi tidak terdengar pula suara Saidina Umar membalas. Mendapati isteri Saidina Umar pun begitu, si suami tidak jadi hendak mengadukan hal isterinya. Katanya dalam hati, kalau isteri Khalifah pun begitu, apatah lagi isteriku.

Ketika dia berpaling hendak pergi, tiba-tiba Saidina Umar memanggilnya dan bertanya, "Apa hajat kamu datang ke mari?"

Si suami tadi menjawab,

"Aku datang hendak mengadu hal isteri aku, tapi aku lihat isterimu pun berkelakuan demikian terhadapmu."

Saidina Umar tersenyum lalu berkata, "Tidak patut kalau aku tidak sabar dengan kerenahnya. Bukankah dia telah memasak makanan untukku, membasuh pakaianku, bersabung nyawa melahirkan zuriat untukku, menjaga anak-anakku dan dia tempat aku mendapat hajatku? Sabarlah, sesungguhnya keadaannya itu tidak lama (nanti akan baik sendiri)."
Taken from here.

This story maybe referring to those who already get married. But somehow, it is important to know that ladies do love talking.. And of course, the men need to hear.  Bear in mind, this is nature. So whenever a lady want to talk, just hear, even though deep down inside, you as a man feel like to shout at her and say, "Can you please be silent?"

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Whisper: Mistakes~

Currently in the journey of learning to accept others mistakes...

Because it is a part of being human :)

And we also do that to others~

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sharing: Bagus :) ~

This video somehow boost my spirits in the middle of  FYDP distress.

Every single thing happens, BAGUS! :)

Just believe & have faith in everything~ (^_^)

 Taken from Youtube

 ~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Menyingkap Peribadi~

Saidina Umar semasa cuba menyingkapi keperibadian seseorang, beliau sudah meletakkan piawaian tertentu. Beliau tidak mudah tertipu melihat postur dan penampilan seseorang. Beliau meletakkan kayu ukur tertentu bagi menilai agama dan akhlak seseorang itu. Ketika datang seorang lelaki yang memberikan kesaksian untuk seseorang, Umar bertanya kepadanya:

            Umar               : Adakah kamu mengenal orang ini?
            Sahabat           : Ya.
Umar               :Adakah kamu berjiran dengannya dan mengetahui saat dia keluar masuk?
            Sahabat           : Tidak.
Umar               :Adakah kamu pernah menemaninya dalam satu perjalanan (musafir) dan mengenal kemuliaan akhlaknya?
            Sahabat           :Tidak.
Umar               :Adakah kamu pernah berinteraksi dengannya yang melibatkan dinar dan  dirham (duit), sehingga kamu mengenal sifat hati-hatinya?
            Sahabat           :Tidak.
Umar               :Mungkin kamu pernah melihatnya berdiri dan duduk solat di masjid, mengangkat kepalanya pada suatu ketika dan menundukkannya pada saat yang lain?
            Sahabat           :Ya.
            Umar               :Pergilah. Sungguh kamu tidak mengenalnya.

Taken from Google Image

 p/s: Sekarang mungkin lebih mudah. Facebook, twitter, blog etc. 
Dush! Dush! Dush! 

  ~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Happiest People :) ~

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sharing: Mohon Untuk Mati~

This point did attract my attention while I am listening to a talk by Ustaz Kazim Elias, Fardhu-Fardhu Mandi. He did read one question been asked to him in front of his audience that sound more or less like  this,

Berdosa ke tak saya dah tak nak hidup kat dunia? Cukuplah dah 37 tahun. Tak larat dah nak hidup dengan banyak dugaan.

We only have two reasons that allowed us to request for death. Other than these two reasons, never ask for death. 

1. Apabila seorang ulama diminta untuk mengeluarkan fatwa-fatwa yang menyesatkan.
In case he is being asked to make a fatwa that will make lots of people stray away from the right path, he is allowed to pray and request for death to Allah. Hukum berdoa seperti ini adalah HARUS. But mind you, just pray for death. Not COMMIT SUICIDE.

2. Apabila sakit terlalu teruk, yang mungkin tiada harapan untuk sembuh atau pulih seperti sediakala.
People around him/her can pray so that Allah will take away his/her life since the condition is already too bad. Of course not the one who lying on the bed will pray for death, since he/she is also in unconscious condition.

Perjalanan rohku melengkapi sebuah kembara...
Singgah di rahim bonda sebelum menjejak ke dunia...
Menanti di barzakh sebelum melangkah ke Mahsyar...
Diperhitung amalan penentu syurga atau sebaliknya...

Taken from Google Image

p/s: I just rewrite the point according to my own style of writing. In the video, Ustaz Kazim speak properly in Malay. Please take notes. :)

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sharing: Judgmental~

This video really captured my attention. I do agree with him! :D

Taken from youtube.

p/s: Are we among the judgmental ones?

"Saya kagum dengan kehebatan orang kita menilai tanpa bukti yang kukuh, valid dan tsabit."

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Short Notes: Heroes :) ~

To all who had participated in BERSIH 2.0,

And then a hero comes along,
With a strength to carry on,
And you cast your fears aside,
Cause you know you can survive,
So when you feel like hope is gone,
Look inside you and be strong,
And you'll finally see the truth,
That a HERO lies in you...

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Whisper: Missing~

I am currently scream my lungs out to try to get to my home...

The workloads that seems to be never cease maybe the main factor that influencing my current mood...

O Allah,
Please give me the strength to hold on...
Bila hati menghadap Tuhan, baru ku sedar ada kelemahan...
Bimbang Kau singkirkan taubatku...
Kurayu Kau hulurkan keampunanMu padaku...
If you just believe...
What is plain to see...
Just open your heart...
And let His love flow through...
Setiap air mataku mengalir, Allah, aku lemah dan tak beerti...
Bila selangkah ku rapat padaMu, seribu langkah Kau dekat padaKu...
Hakikat bahagia itu adalah ketenangan apabila hati mengingati Tuhan...
 Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies...

p/s: A combination of songs that I currently listening to.
p/s: Will be off to Kelantan Darul Naim for mid-sem break holidays. :)

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Friday, July 1, 2011

Sharing: The Doa' ~

I was quite surprised once I received an SMS from unknown numbers few days ago until that person reveal who she/he is. It's not the sender that matter, but the content really makes me feel so relief that how Allah had planned the journey of my life all this while and how He had makes it turns to be so wonderful one. Subhanallah!

Previously, I did write an entry regarding doa' and how Allah had makes it becomes reality out of our mind expectation. Somehow, there are lots of obstacles that we need to face along the journey to achieve what we really want and of course we cannot deny the fact that sometimes, we almost become despair and loss hope. But, when we rethink about the iridescent journey that we have gone through all these days, I believe, all of us will smile alone thinking on how beautiful Allah had created the way and makes our life become so meaningful. :)

I cannot stop smiling until now since the memories of all the things that I've gone through all these days still keep on  playing in my mind. It is so true that Allah is like what we think about Him and trust me, whatever good things that we keep on continuously praying for, He will never makes us disappointed and He even gives us the better one. 

Allah says wait, and He gives better :)

Taken from Google Image

And your Lord proclaimed, "Pray to Me, I will accept; indeed those who stay conceited towards worshiping Me, will enter hell in disgrace."

 ~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~