Monday, October 31, 2011

Sharing: Of Clothes & Heart~

Don't judge a book by its cover may not relevant sometimes, but most of the times, the outer is the reflection of the inner side...

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Friday, October 28, 2011

Sharing: Muslimah :) ~

Hearing this song for the first time almost brings me down to tears... Wishing that I am that Muslimah :')

Oh muslimah
Allah cinta kepadamu
Rasulullah kasih kepadamu

Oh muslimah
Berbahagialah kau telah dilahirkannya dengan mulia

Tuhan telah berkati wanita yang cukup ilmu
Rendah hati

Oh muslimah
busanamu menutup rapi
auratmu kau lindungi dengan indahnya

Oh muslimah
kau rajin memuji
Islam kau jadikan ikutan sejati

Oh muslimah
memandangmu menyejuk hati
menundukkan nafsu hati yang goyah
Keayuan wanita solehah indah peribadi
Tulus hatinya

Oh muslimah
Kecantikan yang sebenar
Pada tutur kata penuh berhikmah

Mempertahan kehormatan dirimu
dengan pakaian mentaati Allah

Oh muslimah
Kau masuk ke syurga
Solat lima waktu dan berpuasa
Menundukkan pandangan matamu
Mentaati suami yang tercinta

Oh muslimah
Kau rajin mengaji
Islam kau jadikan
Ikutan sejati

Check & balance: Have we fulfilled the requirements of being a good muslimah? (^_^)

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Discovery: Off to Kuala Kangsar & Taiping :) ~

"Bringing People Closer to Nature" 

Another memory before my undergraduate studies years end... :)

Credit to Liyana. :)

p/s: Special thanks to people who willing to bring us here :)

 ~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Short Notes: Of Your View & My Action~

"Things are not always what they seem to be"

I bet everyone have heard the above quote or something that is more or less likely the above quote. But somehow, as a perfectly imperfect human, making a snap judgement towards what we accidentally see or hear is unavoidable since sometimes, that is the way we make a reflection towards the things that happen around us.

Most of the times, we as people can predict the risks that we need to take while we're doing something, either it is a good thing or a bad thing. However, we as the doers need to take into considerations towards what the other people may think about what we did or said. And as a safety precaution, we need to always ensure  things that we want to do is in line with syariat or what Allah has always asked us to do or to avoid. We cannot simply blame others for blaming us or making any judgement towards what we're doing because we need to consider what they DO NOT KNOW :)

Taken from Google Image
 On the other hand, we also need to always remind ourselves to not always simply judge another person just by seeing or looking on what they are doing. All of us are different, and this uniqueness somehow had influence the actions and the words of every single one of us. Just suspend our judgement and never let any negative thinking flow into our mind because most the times, we do not have any idea on why she or he is doing this and that.

After all, although things are not always what they seem to be, it is actually always depend on us either we want to create the chances for others to make any stories due to our own actions and deeds. That is why, there is a quote in a medical term, to prevent is better than to cure.

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Monday, October 10, 2011

Discovery: 9-10-11 :) ~

Alhamdulillah, after gone through such a traumatic yet wonderful experience on a beautiful date, 9-10-11, I still manage to breath till this moment! Seriously, I will never forget the yesterday's moment till the end of my time. 

Depart from UTP as early at 4.30 am, it takes 9 of us approximately 4.5 hours to reach Fraser Hill. There were two cars, and we stopped at RNR Ulu Bernam for about 45 minutes to perform Fajr prayer and take our breakfast. Once we reached Fraser Hill at about 830 am, we need to report ourselves at Fraser Hill Police Station prior to start our hiking at Pine Tree Hill. 

The pictures of us. Before and during the expedition. :)

Overall, our hiking takes about 12 hours. We started at 9 am, and we reached the entrance trail back at 9 pm. This time, this expedition was totally adventurous since we're not only doing hiking, but night jungle trekking as well. Haha :D Trust me, it was so traumatic and I think this will be my last hiking in my life. The night jungle trekking was soooooooo memorable that I think I don't want to experience it again. @_@ Accidentally seeing things that u don't wanna see somehow makes the heart beat faster. -_-

Below are some pictures taken using my phone, but not necessarily taken by me. I also do not know who takes the pics since there were numbers of photographers :D

 This sign will demotivated you in the beginning but boost your energy towards ending. :D

 The Anthill. So big, Subhanallah!

 In the middle of the journey [1]

 In the middle of the journey. [2]

 Spring water. We stopped here for about 10 minutes. 

 Rumput gunung, I think. At the peak of Pine Tree Hill.

 From the peak of Pine Tree Hill. So amazing!

 Batu Sempadan Tiga Negeri at the peak of Pine Tree Hill; Perak, Selangor & Pahang.

 Taken on the way back to entrance trail.

At the 1st peak of Pine Tree Hill. Only 7 of us continue the hiking due to some reasons. :)

For those who rarely doing hiking, Pine Tree Hill is not the best hill for you. Seriously, I meant it. Doing hiking here needs you to have a very fit stamina or else you'll end up like me. Haha :D Whatever it is, I hope my pain will recover soon, and those who're planning to climb this hill, make sure the first thing you do is reporting yourself at Fraser Hill Police Station. And at this entry also, I would like to express my gratitude to all policemen there for all your kindness and co-operation, and also for saving us last night :)

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Friday, October 7, 2011

My Heart Is A Kite~

In my condition for the time being, this poem somehow suit my heart well. And I do love this poem so much! Because it is so true :)

My heart is a kite
held by a string
in the middle of a storm

O Allah,

I'm not asking You
for a calmer storm
Rather, I am asking You
for a thicker string

O Allah,

I'm not asking You
to end this storm soon
Rather, I am asking You
to make me stronger
so that I may hang on longer
and see the rainbow
after the storm ends
 Taken from Google Image

This poem is taken from here.

 ~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Monday, October 3, 2011

Discovery: Trong :) ~

Alhamdulillah, the 3 days 2 nights discovery taught me a lot, especially on the perspective towards life and how beautiful the differences among the people are :) 

Kuala Terong at around 6 pm (Day 1)

Picnic at Pecah Batu Waterfall (Day 2)

 Fishing for the first time in my life :D

Sya tried to show her skill in throwing the hook :D

 The fish feed called pumpun. I cannot touch this... -_-

 01 October 2011 - 03 October 2011 :)

"Hai sekalian manusia, bertakwalah kepada Tuhan-mu yang telah menciptakan kamu dari diri yang satu, dan daripadanya Allah menciptakan istrinya; dan daripada keduanya Allah memperkembang biakkan laki-laki dan perempuan yang banyak. Dan bertakwalah kepada Allah yang dengan (mempergunakan) nama-Nya kamu saling meminta satu sama lain, dan (peliharalah) hubungan silaturahim. Sesungguhnya Allah selalu menjaga dan mengawasi kamu."

"Janganlah kamu jadikan (nama) Allah dalam sumpahmu sebagai penghalang untuk berbuat kebajikan, bertakwa dan mengadakan ishlah di antara manusia. Dan Allah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui."
 [Al-Baqarah: 224]

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Learn & Live :) ~

Most of the times, things that give more impact in our life obtained from nature and environment instead of formal education. In the remaining small hours, I'll try to utilize all the learning tools that I have around me prior to end my undergraduate student life. InsyaAllah, He'll always keep us going! :)

Taken from Google Image

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~