Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Seven Group~


We are almost in the middle of Syawal but I haven't started my Puasa 6 yet. Currently, I am preparing myself for Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) training this evening. This is the time where Proffessional Communication Skills (PCS) course need to be implemented in real working environment. However, there will be no Ah-Counter, Evaluator, Time-keeper and of course, no lecturer. =D Suddenly, I miss all of my PCS-mates in Group 5 while doing the preparation. It reminds me on how sweet and scary the course was last semester. Hehe~ =D

Feel likes butterfly on my stomach, but I have no choice since this is part of learning as well. Actually, I am not that nervous but of course, whenever we know that we'll deliver a speech or need to speak in front of others, this undefined feeling will suddenly arise inside us. In order to reduce this kind of feeling, let me share with you about one interesting reminder. In Malay ya... =D

~Hopefully I can speak fluently and smoothly~

Abu Hurairah meriwayatkan, Rasulullah saw bersabda, terdapat TUJUH golongan yang akan mendapat perlindungan di hari kiamat. Hari di mana tiada perlindungan selain perlindungan-Nya:

1. Pemimpin yang adil.
2. Pemuda yang masa hidupnya digunakan untuk mengabdikan diri kepada Allah.
3. Orang yang hatinya sentiasa terpaut di masjid.
4. Dua orang yang saling menyayangi kerana Allah serta bertemu dan berpisah kerana-Nya.
5. Lelaki yang diajak berbuat maksiat oleh wanita bangsawan lagi cantik, tetapi dia menolak dengan berkata "Saya takutkan Allah".
6. Orang yang bersedekah secara sembunyi-sembunyi sehingga tangan kirinya tidak tahu menahu akan apa yang telah disedekahkan oleh tangan kanannya.
7. Orang yang selalu berzikir di kala ianya bersendirian sehingga mengalir air mata.

[Hadis Riwayat Bukhari]

If we look back into ourselves, do we have at least one character among all these seven characters? Renung-renungkan, dan selamat beramal~! =)

p/s: There are few of the staffs of this company start calling me "cikgu" after they were informed about the MSDS training. Hehe~ =D

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

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