Alhamdulillah, after undergo a total of 32 weeks of industrial training, I am am back to the campus life. Back to the university with mixed emotions, I am glad that Allah had ease all the way. Thanks to everyone that had helped me along the way here and may Allah repay you with the best rewards.
I had went to Kuala Kangsar to meet my adopted family last Friday and praise to Allah, both mak and abah were in pink of health. The almost 8 hours journey somehow had makes all the difference especially in the way I think about something. Thanks for all the sharings and thoughts as well as the memories.
As for today, I had went to Manjung with two of my sisters for Training of Trainer (TOT) of Keindahan Bersama-Mu (KBM) program. The almost 9 hours program had makes me realized on something and I thanks to Allah for it. Acceptance, patience, positive thinking are amongst the "MUST" values that we must have in order to ensure all the relationship that we build going smoothly. And of course, I should thanks Allah again and again for giving me the "spirit" to do the thing that I think impossible to do previously and how He had makes it easy for today.
New Semester
Tomorrow, or maybe today, my status will change to a final year student. It is so sad since I'm getting older, but I give less time to do what I shall do according to the syariat. I'm still thinking on how to be the best in everything, since I do believe everyone shall allowing themselves to live instead of exist. But I'm happy to say, my "hari pertama masuk sekolah" tomorrow will be no classes at all. :)
As for this new semester, I do hopes that everything goes well, and I wanna share with you one quote which I believe so true, and have been proven to make all the differences.
"Listen with no judgements, listen without answering with the voice in your head, go beyond outer appearances and listen to the message within. LISTEN LOVINGLY WITH THE SILENCE OF YOUR HEART..."
Yes, I shall do more listen as compared to talk, because it might makes all the differences. :)
Be a good listener.
Till then,
~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~
akak final year :P
hehe.. abang final year :P
dah tua,haha
mana aci weh first day xde kelas
sorry, still 21 ok :P
ko tu yg bakal jd abg tua, hehe~
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