Monday, May 30, 2011

Adakah Kita Dicintai? ~

This question might be hard to be answered... 


But yet, according to Amru Khalid in his book, Hati Sebening Mata Air, there are seven signs for those who  are being love by the Ultimate Power, Allah swt. Jazakillahu khairan to my naqibah for lending  me this book during our rehlah... All seven points given in this book somehow makes me think and refresh back all the things I've done through all the years that I've living in.. The nature sound of water flowing makes my heart becomes more impressed with the contents as well..

What are the seven signs?


Before that, lets us try to look into ourselves.
Sometimes, have you ever think that  it's hard for us to give without any intention to be repay back? Don't answer it here. The answer is inside your heart. That is why, the word called S.I.N.C.E.R.E do exist. Because not all can give with love. People can give without love too. Like me, honestly. Sometimes. Yes, I do. How about you? *Think, please*

OK. Back to the topic. The seven signs are basically as follow. But, before that, in the event of any of these signs never exist in ourselves, lets us put more effort so that Allah will grant us with it. To get Allah's love is not that easy, because as human,  we cannot against our lust for most of the times. Don't believe? *Think, again*

Allowed me to write in Malay. :)

1. Terjaga dari pesona dunia.

How many hours do we have in a day? Anyone got more or less than 24 hours? How many times we take or perform any actions according to what Allah ask us to do? Or maybe, we do lots of gossiping? And hurting others too? *Think*

If we think about Allah most of the times in that 24 hours per day, it means that Allah loves us. 

Feel disappointed with others? Hopeless? Feeling of despair and lost hope? Close your eyes and pray. Pray to Him, He will answer  it sooner or later.

2. Taat beragama. 

Nabi SAW bersabda, "Sesungguhnya Allah memberi dunia kepada orang yang mencintai dunia dan juga kepada orang yang tidak mencintainya, tetapi Dia memberi agama hanya kepada orang yang Dia cintai. Barangsiapa diberi agama oleh Allah, maka Dia telah mencintainya."

Thus, if there's any individual start to learn or practice what she or he learn from Islam, it is a reflection of Allah's love. How about us? Let's check it out.

3. Mendalami agama.

Ini boleh diperolehi secara bertahap melalui ketaatan kepada agama. From zero knowledge to at least have some knowledge. From less knowledge to more knowledge. Keep on learning about Islam from day to day.

Mula-mula, mungkin tiada kefahaman tentang Islam waima sedikit pun. Tetapi, as time goes by, he or she keep on trying to increase his/her knowledge until at last, mereka dikenali sebagai ahli agama.

4. Sikap lemah lembut.

Trying to be harsh? Forget about it! *Sigh*  

Apabila seseorang dianugerahi sifat lemah lembut sehingga menjadi hamba yang penyantun, maka sebenarnya ia dicintai oleh Allah. Sebaliknya, orang yang tidak mampu mengawal dirinya, walaupun hanya kerana persoalan yang kecil sahaja, ini akan membuatkan ia jauh dari dicintai Allah. Like what? *Think*

Nowadays, there's lots of ways to express our "harshness". Not only by action. Twitter. Facebook. Blog.  Song. Sindiran. Isyarat mata. Isyarat badan. Lampu isyarat. Banyak lagi. Err... Blog pun ade?

Am I one of them? *Think*

5. Diberi kemudahan melakukan ketaatan.

Before off to bed, berniat untuk subuh di awal waktu. Suddenly, forget to set the alarm. But surprisingly, boleh bangun few minutes before Subuh. Allah mudahkan jalan untuk melakukan ketaatan. Tanda Dia cinta. This is example. There are lots of examples.

Mahu pergi solat Jumaat. Hari hujan. Suddenly, ada member offer naik kereta. Sedangkan sebelum itu tak pernah ada orang kisah. Maka pergilah masjid dengan dua kaki kurniaan Allah dengan tabah demi menjalankan perintahNya hampir setiap minggu. Tetapi, tidak pada hari yang hujan itu. Pertolongan datang tanpa dijangka. If that happen, it's one of the signs of Allah's love. Sweet kan? *Think*

6. Diberi kesulitan melakukan kemaksiatan.

Baru nak mula mengumpat seorang kawan, tiba-tiba mummy call tanya, dah makan tengah hari? Maka terus berbual tentang lauk makanan tengah hari. Padahal mummy di Australia, dan kita di Libya sedang kesukaran mencari makanan sebab NATO sedang melancarkan perang ke atas rejim Ghadaffi. Kawan kita di sebelah yang baru hendak join mengumpat, terus pergi call daddy dia di USA  untuk tanya tentang lunch juga. Minta resepi on how to make English Lunch Cake. Maka, selamatlah kita dari menjadi muflis di hari akhirat. Terselamat dari menjadi golongan yang dimaksudkan dalam Surah Al-Humazah.

Baru hendak try keluar dengan seseorang yang mungkin berpotensi menjadi special boyfriend/girlfriend, tiba-tiba terkantoi dengan coursemate yang merupakan ahli kariah majid Kampung Nangka. Di manakah Kampung Nangka? I also do not know. This is example. Maka, disebabkan tidak mahu kantoi, kita terus melangkahkan kaki pergi ke library alone untuk cari material projek tahun separa akhir, dan si dia terus mengambil jalan untuk melangkah ke masjid walaupun baru jam 9 pagi. Juga melangkah seorang diri. Maybe boleh solat sunat Dhuha. Maka, hari itu telah diselamatkan dari fitnah dunia. Jika ini terjadi, itu tandanya Allah sedang menyulitkan kita untuk melakukan kemaksiatan. Tanda kecintaan-Nya kepada kita.

7. Husnul Khatimah 

Akhir hayat orang yang dicintai Allah akan ditutup dengan pengakhiran yang baik. Ada sebahagian orang yang semasa hidupnya nampak taat pada ajaran agama, akan tetapi ketika meninggal dunia, amal perbuatannya adalah menentang Allah. Kerana itu, sepatutnya setiap orang perlu bimbang akan kematiaannya saat sedang dalam kemaksiatan. Sebaliknya, amal-amal ketaatan hendaklah sentiasa dijaga agar husnul khatimah menjadi penutup usia.

Maka, selagi jantung berdegup, fikir dengan teliti sebelum teringin atau terdetik mahu membuat dosa. Bimbang kalau-kalau terkena heart attack dan terus meninggal dunia ketika sedang hack paper final exam dengan harapan mahu dapat A++.


Semoga kita tergolong dalam golongan yang dicintai Allah swt. Amin Ya rabb~

Credit to
~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sharing: Rehlah :) ~

Ya Allah,
Semoga semuanya dianugerahkan hati sebening mata air...
Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin...

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Am I Strong Enough?

Hakikatnya bahagia itu
Adalah ketenangan
Bila hati mengingati Tuhan

 ~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Friday, May 27, 2011

Short Notes: Unsolve~

Sometimes, there are things that better remain unsolve...

Bukankah pelangi yang indah itu muncul selepas hujan?

Taken from Google Image

 p/s: Currently in mix feeling after figure out something inside the report :(

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sharing: Start Again :) ~

Alhamdulillah, after more than 1000km distance traveled, I finally arrived at my campus last Tuesday. However, the journey from KL to Batu Gajah by using ETS somehow gives me motion sickness, which I rarely faced. The effect made me feel kind of dizzy and drowsy, all day long yesterday. Even I need to put my eyes off from my lecturer's slides during my only class yesterday. 

Since I cannot close my eyes whenever I tried to sleep yesterday evening, I tried to surf some information regarding motion sickness. Based on one website, it is actually a normal response to real, perceived, or even anticipated movement. Although this condition is fairly common and often only a minor nuisance, it may be incapacitating for people who travel frequently -- although the more you travel, the more you get used to the motion. The main cause of motion sickness is basically due to conflict signals send to brain from inner ear, body and the eyes. This makes me think like, erm... even different parts of our body do have conflict within themselves, how we can expect that conflict will never exist between two different humans? 

Taken from Google Image

The motion sickness somehow taught me that there are lots of unseen things that are basically related to our life. Even the cause of the sickness itself may teach us how beautiful Allah gives the comparison or parable so we may learn and get the lessons from it. Subhanallah :)

Start Again

Yep, once my foot step inside UTP, it's indirectly means that everything will start all over again. As long as I did not graduate from this university, the cycle will keep remains as usual. Even though I cannot focus very much during my first class yesterday due to the sickness, there are still many classes to be attend throughout this semester. I still and will always remember one of my comrades advice, do not let what you can't do to interfere with what you can do. :)

May Allah bless and eases all the way ahead. Lets us together try to fulfill every second that we have  till the end of our time only to get His pleasure and of course to be one of the members that will be selected to enter His forever paradise. 

Taken from Google Image

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Monday, May 23, 2011

Past, Present & Future~


Hadis Riwayat Muslim,

"Mintalah kepada Allah dan jangan merasa lemah. Jangan kamu katakan, "Andaikata aku melakukan itu dan ini, pasti akan jadi begini dan begitu. Tapi katakanlah, "Allah telah menentukan takdir manusia dan apa yang Dia kehendaki pasti akan terjadi. Kerana sesungguhnya kata-kata: "seandainya" akan membuka peluang kepada hasutan syaitan."

p/s: Mendoakan hari esok berlalu dengan lancar... Rabbi yassir wala tua'sir...

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Salahudin Ayubi~


Finally, yesterday I have finished reading two of my collections after quite a long time; Aisyah Ummul Mukminin and Salahudin Ayubi Penakluk Jurusalem. I admit that reading these kind of historical books somehow had boost my energy and spirit and I hope that courage will last for quite a long time.

Alas, I have only four more days to spend in my hometown before I fly back to my campus. Hopefully, everything will be fine since I need to admit that as time goes by, things gonna be tougher. FYDP II, FYP I and another one or two unsure subjects will be my closest friends for next semester. Why I said unsure? Because I also do not know either I want to take one or two another subjects instead of my two projects.


I would like to share some of interesting parts in Salahudin Ayubi written by Abdul Latip Talib. I think that  this part quite relevant with today's situation where we can see there a lot of Muslims all over the world but they did not unite together as sisters and brothers.

Taken from page 249 onwards,

"Apabila umat Islam bersatu, mereka kuat dan musuh tidak berani melakukan kezaliman, tetapi apabila umat Islam berpecah belah, mereka ibarat buih yang banyak tetapi lemah," kata Sultan Salahudin bin Ayubi.

"Benar, Rasulullah pernah berdoa tiga perkara. Pertama, umat Islam tidak dihapuskan dari muka bumi dan Tuhan menerimanya. Kedua, umat Islam tidak mati kelaparan dan doa itu juga dimakbulkan oleh Tuhan. Doa yang ketiga pula supaya umat Islam tidak berpecah belah, tetapi doa itu tidak dimakbulkan Tuhan," Bahaudin pula menyampuk.

"Mengapa Tuhan tidak makbulkan doa nabi supaya umatnya tidak berpecah belah?" tanya Panglima Muluk.

"Allah hendak menguji siapa umat Islam yang kuat imannya," jawab Sultan Salahudin bin Ayubi.

The first doa by our Prophet somehow remind me of our discussion during halaqah with Umi last Tuesday. Umi did mentioned that how grateful we should be since Allah always give us the chances to repent and back to the right path even though we have commit lots of sins. Compared to those who live during Noah's, Lot's, Moses's and Salih's for example, they were not given any chances to repent. Allah directly punished them  without any signs after they have been remind by their Prophets at that moment  and as a follower of Muhammad saw, we shall be thankful and always remind ourselves that every second passed should not be wasted with nonsense matters which can make us stray from the right track. Allah loves us, that's why we're given many chances to repent from our mistakes.

p/s: While waiting for my sister to complete her medical check-up this evening, I have bought three more new books; Muhammad Al Fateh Penakluk Konstantinopel, Petunjuk Sepanjang Jalan and Aku dan Al Ikhwan Al Muslimun. Hope can finish reading those before fly this 24th :) 

p/s: Is there still exist a man like Salahudin Ayubi in today's generations? Wondering....

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sharing: A Relief :) ~

Alhamdulillah, all thanks is to Allah~

Today I managed to meet all my halaqah-mates at Dr Sadiah's home. Such a big relief, Alhamdulillah! :)

Meeting all my sisters in such a calm surrounding somehow had brings back my heart to the right track which I think had lost its path for quite a few moments. We discussed a lot about many things, including one big project which I never think that I will have the opportunity to do it. May Allah eases all the way, InsyaAllah. :)

When we discussed about Chapter Ar-Rum, verse 21, something had captured my attention while Umi was elaborating about the real meaning and hidden secret of the sequence in that verse. She did mentioned that Allah had guided us through this chapter that, for every single man (same thing also goes to woman), Allah had created a partner for them, then we may find repose in them, then, He put between these married couple the affection and mercy.

"And among His Signs is this, that He created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He has put between you affection and mercy. Verily, in that are indeed signs for a people who reflect."

Why I put kind of big emphasization on the word then here?

Umi said that actually, Allah had given us the proper steps that we shall follow in order to build a sakinah, mawaddah wa rahmah family through this verse. Unfortunately, most of people nowadays are practicing the wrong way by  finding the affection and mercy in their future life partner  first prior to get married and this phenomenon somehow had "killed" themselves when Allah had taken back these affection and mercy that they have found previously inside their partner once they get married. Can you think why this kind of phenomenon can happen? By rational thought, it is as simple as ABC, 123. Allah is our Creator and He had guided us on the right way that we shall take, but we did not follow the guidance that been provided to us. Plus, we go far ahead and move far forward by neglecting all His orders although we know deeply by heart that what we do is actually stray away from His path!

Taken from Google Image
By right, according to this verse, we shall get married first, then we may find repose in our partner, and then Allah will put these affection and mercy between the two married person. We shall understand truly that mawaddah wa rahmah are basically belongs to Allah and He can give and take this precious gift from us whenever He wants to. Thus, thinking or perception like "Did he my Mr Right?" or "Did him  the best person that I shall get married with?" should never exist once we have did our Istikharah and give full submission and hope only to Allah swt. Remember, if we did everything only for Allah and we only rely on Him once we have decided on everything based on His guidance, Allah will always be with us regardless how good or bad the condition that comes after.

Another thing that I think quite interesting to be shared here is about a quote taken from a book from Indonesia (sorry, I can't remember the title).

"Ibadah is not a burden, but the most precious gift from Allah swt"

Taken from Google Image

"Whenever we get closer to Allah, we will always get the calmness that we desired"

"Mengumpat adalah refleksi pada kotornya hati"

Taken from Google Image
 "Agama adalah fitrah yang suci, dan perkara yang haram adalah racun kepada fitrah ini"

"Kekayaan terletak pada hati yang qanaah"

"Hasad dengki menghilangkan ketenangan dalam hati"

I think, this is all for now. Renung-renungkan, dan selamat beramal! :)

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Sharing: Happy Teachers Day & 4K~

Dear all teachers regardless where you are for time being, Happy Teachers Day! :)

May all your kindness will be repay with the best rewards by Allah s.w.t...

You're the heroes, without you, we are not who we are today...

MRSM Kuching [2002-2006]

UTP [2007-2011] InsyaAllah...

Last Friday, I had the opportunity to watch "Tanyalah Ustazah", a talk show hosted by an Ustazah which I cannot remember her name. One of the guests did asked about some tips for a working mother on how to teach and raise up their children. Since most of my friends including myself were in final year, I think the tips are quite beneficial to be shared here. Basically, the tips can be simplified into 4K, which are (in Malay):

1. Komitmen.
What I still can remember, as we can give our commitment to our work, same things shall be applied in educating our children as well. Commitment is basically a major factor that will make everything runs well. If we can give our commitment, insyaAllah, we will be able to overcome any obstacles that we face by hook or by crook.

2. Konsistensi.
Consistency is another factors that we must practice in educating our children. For example, let say we have something to teach which to be implemented in daily life to our children for today, please make sure that on the next day onwards, we keep on remind them to practice things that we have taught in a good manner. One statement that I love most when she mentioned about this tip was:

"Jangan sampai akhlak kita runtuh pada saat kita ingin memperbetulkan akhlak anak-anak kita."

Wondering what does this statement really means? I believe all of us can understand the meaning by ourselves.

3. Kreativiti.
Once we return from our work, those who do not have any helper or maid might have lists of activities that need to be done before comes the next day. She also mentioned that it is lucky if we have a husband that willing to help us even to fold up the clothes, but for those who didn't, trying to put the clothes in a tidy way without fold it up also shows our creativity in order to avoid messy environment inside our home. Remember, this is not lazy, this is creative :)

4. Ketaqwaan.
This is basically the ultimate factor that we shall always remember in educating our children. Every single thing that we do will indirectly reflect our children in various way. Semakin jauh kita pergi dari Allah, we cannot expect our children will run nearer towards Allah. Allah akan menjaga hambaNya yang sentiasa berusaha memelihara Allah.

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sharing: Nikmat Dunia~

Ibnu Munkadir berkata: “Bagiku nikmat dunia ini hanya ada pada tiga perkara, qiamullail, silaturrahim dan solat berjemaah”. Wahai insan yang beriman, renungkanlah dirimu agar kamu mengetahui hakikat dirimu sendiri, dengan demikian kamu akan mengenali Pencipta Yang Maha Agung. Berilah penawar dalam jiwa agar ia tetap suci dan tunduk pada Ilahi.

Manage to visit the newborn Nur Najwa Khairina~

This semester have been quite meaningful for me... 

Looking at the pure face from heaven, somehow had bring the calmness into my heart..

Praying and hoping the best for all of you, babies~

"May I know where currently I am, mummy?" Nur Najwa Khairina.

"This must be a sister, not aunty :P" Lynn.

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Sharing: Tranquility~

Ikhlaslah menjadi diri sendiri agar hidup penuh dengan ketenangan dan keamanan.

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Yang Tersimpan~


Currently, I am trying to teach myself to always remember saying Alhamdulillah in whatever situations I am involve in.

La haw la wala quwwata illa billah~

I am trying to strengthen my heart by saying this kalimah whenever I heard or see the things that I don't like and I need to force myself dealing with it.

Astaghfirullah hal a'zim~

I try to melt my heart by remember Allah through this kalimah so I won't stray too far from the right path.

Firstly, this entry might makes some people feel kind of offended or uneasy. In lieu to this, it is highly advisable to those who are very sensitive, or maybe very judgmental, or love to make assumptions to discontinue reading this entry. This entry basically all about my feelings, regardless I know or do not know what actually had happened. Any feelings after continue reading this entry are basically at your own risks.

1) A secret makes a woman, woman.
In life, there are the things that we only feel safe to share it with few numbers of people that we actually trust a lot. How do you feel when things that quite personal to you been revealed by the person that you trust a lot? Plus, it's not been revealed to a person, but to too many persons. Can you build the trust back once you encounter with this type of problem? Remember, trust takes year to establish and moment to destroy. Think, think and think!

I was once been trapped in this type of problem when I did kind of curhat with a person that I trust a lot. Surprisingly, something related with my curhat have been mailed to everyone and after that, the situation that I described in my curhat have becomes a very popular and famous example in any meeting or any situation that you may called it as meeting or things-that-similar-to-meeting for almost the whole of this semester. Please, try to put yourself in my shoes and think, think and think!

2) Halo error.
Do you know what halo error really means? OK, let me tell you. In Human Resource Management terms, halo error basically referring to one of the most common errors in evaluating a person's performance appraisal. This error is happen when you mark a person as totally good or maybe totally bad just because of one factor. 

For me, a person that always do this kind of error is basically a judgmental person, and errr.. those judgmental people, please discontinue reading this entry. This is the second time I do this reminder and please, never blame me for this entry since I have remind you.OK?

What is the significance of this halo error to my life through out this semester? Ahaaa, lets me keep it as my life secret. Just want to tell you that, a judgmental person shall not regret if people around him or her will also react the same towards them. Hello my dear, what you give, you get back! (One of my dearest have remind me about this meaningful quote.) Thank you dear :)

Another point is, shall we just trust a people at one side and never takes into account how the other side actually feel, think or have gone through? Think, think and think!

3. Interfering ones personal life.
This is basically thing I hate the most. Mind you, it's kind of "pantang-nenek-moyang" for me if there is anybody outside try to interrupt into my personal life. I believe, everybody knows how open I am and I will tell you the real things happened when I am ready to get any feedback regardless how good or bad it will be. Asking a person or trying to get to know things from people that only knows about something related to me from his or her own observation might be a wrong step. How to say ya? 

OK, I don't mind if you still want to believe 100% story from one side. But, why don't you try to ask me first on what did I actually have done rather than you also comes with so many "unnecessary" status or maybe entry or maybe anything in non verbal way which I know you are trying soooo hard to tell anybody around you that I am bad and you are pretty good? Please, think, think and think! Remember, I always say this sentence to anybody around me, "Aku paling tak boleh if ada orang try to advice me about this and that but sooner, he or she will do the same thing. If later sikit, boleh la nak terima...Kannnnnnnnnnn"

The phone call, stalker and sudden gtalk. Haha~ Always be remember till the end of time. Good try anyway. Keeps it up, dude!
4) Unnecessary stress.
Hahaha. This phenomenon makes me always feel kind of doubt about what relationship really means. Let me put a very high emphasization on this point. You will never feel stress about others if you do not have any bad perception towards that person. Remember this. Keep it at the best pisition in your mind so you can remember this point forever. Put this inside your heart as well. Please!

Erm, shall I elaborate more about this? Erm.. I think it's better not. But please, put this in our mind and heart ya~ 

5) Unnecessary thoughts.
Thoughts. We can express our thoughts in many way. Isn't it? Anybody disagree? Ahaaaaaaaa.. Sometimes, we can express our thoughts through verbal word, or maybe through non-verbal way. But why I wanna say about this point? Hurm...

Sometimes, I do believe that my own status might makes everyone feel stress (can we say this as unnecessary stress or not?). But, there are many times that we shall keep our inner feeling for our own. I won't elaborate more on this point, but, please, think, think and think!

One thing that I always put in my mind and heart, if you want to tell or confess something to a person, please, do it by verbal way. Non-verbal way may leads to misperception. Misperception may leads to misunderstanding. Misunderstanding may leads to negative feeling. Negative feeling may leads to bad relationship. Can you see this? 

Maybe this time I also have done the same thing since I did this entry which basically kind of confession by non verbal way, so, can you tell me what do you feel now? Is it good? Or, you might love it very very much? Or, you feel kinda @#$@^$*&$?

This is basically a general entry but I am currently writing it with a bit of my emotional interference. As I have mentioned above, reading this entry is basically at your own risks since this is about "Yang Tersimpan". Shall there any regret or uneasy feeling arise, please forgive me but as I keep on mentioning for many times, continue reading this entry is basically at your own risks.

Good bye 4th year 1st semester. Thanks for all the memories.

  ~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sharing: Yang Terindah :) ~

Kau yang ilhamkan bahagia

Hingga ku terasa indah~ :)

Dear mama, mummy and mak (since I and my youngest sister keeps on changing the way we call our mom depending on situations :P)...

Selamat Hari Ibu (^_^)

p/s -> 1.25 hours to my second final exam paper.. As mom always said, just do it~!

Another happy news to be shared..

6 May 2011 -> newcomer of our big family, Nur Najwa Khairina Binti Mohamad Azahar~ See you this 12th baby!

 ~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Monday, May 2, 2011

Can I Come Back?

 "Can I come back, after been missing for a long time? After sinking to deep?"

 Ikhlas ialah saudara muslim itu meniatkan setiap kata, tindakan dan jihad yang dilakukan hanya untuk Allah, mencari keredaan dan ganjaranNya tanpa mengharapkan harta atau kemasyhuran atau kedudukan atau pangkat atau kemajuan atau kemunduran. Ini bermakna dia merupakan pejuang fikrah dan akidah bukan memperjuangkan matlamat dan kepentingan peribadi.

Katakanlah: Sesungguhnya sembahyangku dan ibadatku, hidupku dan matiku, hanyalah untuk Allah Tuhan yang memelihara dan mentadbirkan sekalian alam. Tiada sekutu bagiNya, dan dengan yang demikian sahaja aku diperintahkan. (Al-An‘am: 162-163)

Dengan ini saudara muslim akan memahami maksud apa yang sering dilaungkannya:
“Allah matlamat kami” dan “Allah Maha besar dan segala puji bagi Allah”.
Rukun Ikhlas-Hasan AlBana

 ~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sharing: Break~

After such a hectic and kind of miserable life, finally I have a break. At least, even not for last. May Allah eases and bless all the way.With the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful, I start my final exam preparation~

Must keep in mind: Because effort never determine the results, just follow the sunnatullah. Never neglect the syariatullah.

Quotes from Dengan NafasMu by Ungu: 
Dan demi nafas yang telah Kau hembuskan dalam kehidupanku
Ku berjanji
Ku akan menjadi yang terbaik~

~berdoa dan terus mengharapkan redha Illahi...~